My bestest friend in the whole wide world

Created by Ruth 2 years ago

Nicki, my dearest, bestest friend in the whole wide world.  How do I write on a couple of small pages just how much you meant to me?  I could write a whole best selling novel and probably find enough to write a second one.

I think we would both have enjoyed the book of our lives spanning over 50 years of our wonderful friendship.  We have had such happy times together and a few sad times thrown in and so many happy, giggly moments.

One memory that still makes me laugh:  do you remember one time you and Iain were at my house for dinner and we were all sitting at the table drinking red wine?  Iain had been using my electric bat to catch a really annoying fly.  He then went to say something to you and put his hand on your arm.  You thought he was giving you an electric shock with the bat and you jumped and threw your whole glass of wine up in the air and as it came down it soaked your hair and all your clothes.  Hardly any of it went anywhere else but on you!  OMG didn't we laugh every time we thought about it?!

Over the years we have made such beautiful memories.  We went to so many shows together.  We always enjoyed the same things as well as all the books we both read and passed on to one another.   We were both blessed with having three wonderful children, each of whom have never known a time when we haven't both been in their lives.  So losing you is equally as sad for my three.  Losing you is like losing the other half of myself and it is so very difficult not having you around.  But, I will always hold you close in my heart and remember all the special times we had.

Goodnight my beautiful friend.  Sleep tight until the time we're together again.

I love you x

